Wednesday, July 11, 2007

get your craft on...

Workload permitting, I'm planning on checking this out on thursday night: "spins and needles". (that there in quotes should be a link - otherwise just google it.)

I'm a sucker for a punny name and it seems like an interesting concept. I'll probably be the oldest one there and the least "scene-ster-y" but whateves... hopefully the people there are nice to outsiders.

This post is mainly directed at the people I told about this yesterday. Hope to see you there!


Georgina said...

Hey... I thought I commented earlier but I'm not seeing it on your blog. Not sure what happened there. Anyway, I'm up for it- what time are you guys going?

rho said...

hey georgie! I commented back to you over on your blog... but in short, because I am a lame procrastinator, I am unable to attend tonight. i totally suck. sorry!!

I like your blog.

Georgina said...

hey :) actually that's fine - I seem to have come down with something, so I can't make it either. Too bad, it was definitely intruiging! I'd love to take you up on that coffee break, though. I'll email you when I'm feeling a bit better and we can figure something out. Hopefully this is just a 24-hour bug. Oh, and I like your blog too!

Talk to you soon.

rho said...

hmmm. my husband has something right now too! he is in his second day of it - i've never seen him sleep so much - but i think he's on the mend. hope you feel better.

Elisabeth said...

It would be great if you could drop it at the Loop! Thanks! :D They look FANTASTIC!