Above is a preview of another awesome thrifted item from my local Salvation Army ... I was going to save this gem for Halloween but given that the 80s have come back hard and I was going to see "city field" at indie-kid-mecca (Gus' Pub) on Saturday, I decided to just bust it out early. I also wore heels (or rather "pumps") out in public for maybe the third time EVER. I had forgotten how much joy can be derived from wearing out-of-the-ordinary outfits. I felt like a million - it must have been all the sparkles on the sweater ... like diamonds.
Sock update: both socks have toes and heels now. The heels are a little wonky and I seem to have done things differently on each sock... but I'm not going back... they will just stand as a testiment to first-sockdom... i'll still wear 'em.... but I'll have to get more guidance on the next pair.... and summon up more patience.