Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I decided to start posting at this blog again. I think it will be mostly crafty/arty stuff. I'm starting by posting some bears I knit last year. These pretty much mark the beginning of my knitting career.

Not sure I really love this blogger interface - it seems clunky... but maybe I just don't remember how to work it very well... having troubles getting pictures in which is why I posted these 3 bear pix individually.

So here's the first bear I made. At this point I had Jess Hutch's book on backorder but I managed to find a "bowling pin" pattern that I thought I could use because I reeeeeally wanted to make the bear!!

first bear
Originally uploaded by
rho rho.
He turned out pretty cute and I gave him to a friend. Looking back I notice my mistakes a lot more but I was very proud of him at the time.

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